Fast and Easy Cupcake Production Using your Creamer

Whether you are making for your boutique coffee shop, the school fete, a birthday party, or for the hungry mouths in your own home, then making trays of cupcakes is more about the decorating then the actual small cake hiding beneath. Having fabulous, whipped cream ready to pipe is the answer if you are producing only half a dozen!! Having quantities of tasty cream whipped and ready to go in seconds is not just time saving (which of course it is), but it looks so light and impressive. As it is taste free and odourless, the nitrous oxide used in the cream chargers available through this website, can accept the flavours you add readily. Having a cream charger in the cupboard is one of the labour saving gadgets that you cannot do without of you are a cake baker! You are going to be the star of the show when you enter 12 identical and absolutely perfect cupcakes to the village show or bring them to a charity event! And there is no question that you will be the mum everyone is talking about after that show stopping display of birthday cup cakes!!!

Can you believe it’s less fattening!!

When you whip cream with one of these professional grade cream chargers there is even an added benefit! Cream whipped in this way is held together by air bubbles. As the N2O gas dissolves in the cream creating air bubbles, they stick together to create the light whipped cream that you recognise from squirty cream cannisters – only so much better! The hidden advantage to this, is that it is no longer the calorie heavy cream that you pour on, but lighter not just in appearance, but carrying just a percentage of the original calorie count!!! So, when you invite friends around for coffee then these are the cakes that will be chosen by everyone. 

A simple but tasty topping

When creating whipped cream, you need to pay attention to the texture of the cream. This is how you can begin to tell when the original liquid whipping cream is altering from its liquid state to its fluffy state. Watch for the peaks forming, as the cream starts to “fold” – the more air getting trapped in the cream by the N2O, the more it can hold its shape. It’s a learning curve to get it exactly right. But using a whipped cream charger and cream whipper dispenser will soon have you rolling out trays of cup cakes like a professional. The suppliers of our top quality cream chargers test their products extensively so that you can be confident you can look forward to a consistent result time after time. When you have a dispenser, it means it is ready whenever you want it, no need to plan ahead. You will wonder why you ever made whipped cream in the traditional manner!

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